We are excited to use the blog to share our learning stories. Learning stories have become a tool we use to capture the learning that takes place when children are at play alone or with others. They are a tool we use to recognize what understandings children are forming and how we might extend or challenge their thinking. We know that zooming into one child's learning gives insight into the learning taking place around the studio, in other moments, in other places, and with other children. Here we share a learning story from a few weeks ago. Though this moment has passed, more like it have emerged. Children continue to challenge their understanding of balance and their ability to create it while working with blocks.
A learning story is told from a single lens. A learning story is a subjective story. Another teacher, or parent, or child might offer a different perspective on what learning has taken place and how we might proceed. In sharing these stories with the actors themselves, we learn how our teacher gaze might be different from that of the children. The purpose is not to settle on one version of the truth, rather to add to the multiplicity of stories that always exist together.
It starts by recognizing there is not just one story.
There are many stories and they all touch on part of the truth.