As we began to research the work of Sheila Pepe, the children noted that the installation “looked like we could climb on it!” The configuration of the shoelaces, rope and yarn created placement for our feet and hands. In the museum, we laid on our backs and pretended to climb along the work that was installed above our heads.

Likewise, our installation evokes the desire to climb. So we have begun to explore how we might do just that. Knowing that we are “too big” and that there are “too many holes” in our installation, we will be creating fiber likenesses of ourselves. These fiber “selves” will be able to climb and pose along our installation. They can do anything we can do!
Below is a look at our process thus far.
Step one: Create a pose either with our own body or a mannequin.

Step Two: Draw the installation line with yarn.

Step 3: Draw yourself on the installation.