We have been learning about our materials, spaces, ourselves, and each other and how we move and play in Studio Red. Children are teachers as they turn to share what they have figured out to classmates who do not yet know. The unfamiliar and unexpected give way and we take on the responsibility of helping one another be together throughout the day.

Sophia teaches Violet and Helen that it is easier for her to cut the foam pieces when the paper on the back is still intact.

“I’ll show you where a piece of paper is.” ALEX

Parker learns how we sometimes make lists as tools for turn-taking.

“Now there’s no more white. We use these kind of jars for mixing and the others we don’t.” Eleanor teaches Avery our agreement about paint, how we care for the colors we’ve made.

Children have been inventing and teaching each other games. “Two people close their eyes. Someone needs to grab one and someone needs to switch the colors. Then we try and guess the missing color.” CHARLOTTE

“I’ll show you how these clip on.” AVIA

Callen shows how we use clips to mark the paintings we have made.

Helen and Avia show Alex that the library can be a place to draw and write.

Marky learns how we check our schedule for our name. Am I in a small group today?

Sophie teaches others through her approach. How do we make our space beautiful for others?

“Come see what I discovered.” Helen practices how we share our discoveries with teachers and classmates and care for the natural world.