Why don’t you play with me so much? Sophie
I just forgot about you. But maybe today I will. Avia
I remember asking if I could play with you guys and Sophie said sure. Sofia
If you play with her today will you play with her tomorrow? Eleanor
Today and tomorrow. Avia
And every else day! Elliott
Why don’t you play with Sophie anymore? Callen
Cuz I didn’t see her that much and I didn’t want to play with her cuz she was playing with other people. Avia
Avia, just cuz I wasn’t playing with you every day, that doesn’t mean I’m not your friend anymore. But sometimes I want to play with others of my friends. Sophie
Cuz sometimes you get bored. Avia
What kind of powers did you have? Sofia
Rainbow powers. Avia
Why don’t you play with Sophie anymore? I can tell she’s sad cuz she’s crying. Eleanor
Why did you forget about her? Avery
I forgot about her cuz I see her playing with Helen a lot. Avia
Sometimes I play with Eleanor, you, Ruby, Sofia. One day I’ll play with Callen and Elliott. Sophie
And Emily! And Lauri! Children
And Violet! Sofia
And plants! Callen
And sketchbooks! Eleanor
I saw Sophie was really sad and I saw her crying. Sofia
This was a sad story. Marky
Not that sad. Avia
I want to be your friend as long as the universe. Sofia
What if we forget each other? Callen
Why did you forget about me? Sophie
I saw you playing and I thought you were having fun. Avia