“I know what we can do. We can get a jar and write ‘butterfly jar’ and put the pieces inside. For every butterfly we release we add another chip in the jar and we write that number.”

“Everyone will need a pair of scissors.”
Children wait for the group to gather.

“How will we all put the tape on?
. . . Let’s pass it around.” LYLA
And the passing takes time. Some children come and go, returning for their turn to tape.

They wash the jar.
“There’s no room.” LYLA
“What if we wrap it around the bottom and there would be room on top?” GRAEME
“Is everyone okay if we do Graeme’s idea?” LYLA

“I feel like it’s unleveled. One side is up and one side is down.” BEATRICE

“Do you want to write the number one, Ray?” LYLA
“Where should I put this?” ZAAHRA
“I’m not sure that piece will fit.” LYLA
“Why not just [write] on the jar and not on the paper?” RAY
“Do you mind writing it again, smaller?” LYLA
“How about we just do this — bend it?” RAY
“Yes! Do you want me to cut it there?” LYLA
“I can.” RAY

After having a turn to tape, Charlotte finds an interest, cutting the paper pieces into bits and attaching them together with tape. Though many have gone, she continues to work . . .
“Look! I made a butterfly!” CHARLOTTE