We have been drawing our creations! Children are learning how sketchbooks can be tools to save memories of their efforts, to guide the reconstruction of their work, to show steps of their process and capture the details of their final product. These plans make their thinking visible to others. They capture their reflective process thereby informing new efforts, possibilities and connections to past and future work.

“This will help me if I just look at it cuz I totally forgot what I did next.” MAREN

“Scissors is the first step cuz first I cut all the pieces I needed.” MAREN

“I cut the square into a circle, that’s step three.” MAREN

"This is hard."

Drawing invites us to think about our own thinking in relation to the reader's knowledge.
How did I create this? What do I know? What does the reader need to know? How can I make my message clear?

“We don’t have to spell triangle. We can just make the shape.” GRAEME

“Those going in and then that arrow going on. And then step four is…put them all together!” LYLA