On Tuesday, October 31st, we discovered three wrapped packages and a note addressed to Studio Purple. Our note described for us, how we were going to work in three “teams” to unwrap some clues. Working together, the children found three books with clues. When read together, we were told of this special day where in the woods some friends awaited with gifts for us, “Oh yeah, I remember this day from Studio Yellow!”.

We had to go quickly, as these friends would be leaving soon. In the woods we were greeted by a pair of minnows (“That’s my daddy! He’s a mermaid! He painted his lips Blue!”), a spectacular hawk, a shy mushroom, scampering squirrels (“I think I recognize that pink hair. It’s like my Mom’s!”) and a majestic Monarch Butterfly.
Our day was best summed up by the children,
“This is the best day ever!”