Throughout our days in Studio Purple, we often hear conversations bubbling up about what makes the children who they are.
“My sister always wants to be the same and I don’t.”
“I live in Concord.”
“I love staying the way it is.”
“I have an ‘L’ in my name like my brother.”
Self-awareness and empathy are very intimately connected. To better understand others, we must first better understand ourselves. Becoming more aware of our own tendencies and patterns can help us better navigate our relationships and how we connect with others. By becoming more self-aware, we begin to recognize ways that we are similar AND different from others in our thinking and feeling.
This week, we read How to be a Lion by Ed Vere. It’s a story about the importance of being true to yourself. “Let nobody say just ONE way is true. There are so many ways that you can be you. If there MUST be a must, then this we must try. Why don’t you, be YOU…And I, will be I.”
Following our read aloud, we asked each child to draw a picture in response to the question,
What makes you, you?

"I'm doing myself...Because it has a smiley face and the smiley face is me." -Ruthie
"This is my face. That's what it looks like." -Charlie Schubert.
"This is actually me. I have a lot of hair! That's my mommy, me and that ones' Phoebe and Lily!" Charlie N.
"This is Mom with a mouth and that's me with a penis and that's Dad." -Ian
"That's what I look like...that's my face because that's what I look like." -Caroline
"It's Disneyland. Cause I went there." -Julia
"This me (right) cause I'm pretty. This is Mommy and this is a baby in her James." -Charlotte
"Because I'm I and other persons' themselves." -Addie
"This is me and this is my arm and this is candy." -Luca
"I drawed my whole family. I'll show you how I am. My new au pair, my sister, Mom, me and Dad." -Louis
"This is me and this is my Momma and my Dad." -Rosalie
"This is a leopard (not shown) and this is me. Those are my eyes, my mouth and my nose." -Travers
"This is me!" -Case
"It's a spiderweb. I surprised myself! I don't know..." -Miles
"That's Asher's hand. That's my hand. That's Brenner's hand (not shown.)." -Tait
"This is my baby sister, Will and Dad." -Wes