Throughout the year, we will be spending time meeting with the children in small groups. Small groups can have different intentions. While later in the year they will serve as an opportunity to dive more deeply into topics of interest and explore the world around us, at this point in time we are using them to
strengthen communication and build community.
This week we gathered in our first small groups to investigate and discuss our loose parts. The children immediately took out the one that they had found.
“I got this one cause it’s really pretty, the way it looks now.” (in the collection box) ROSALIE
“Where’s all the pieces to it?” (referring to Luca’s airplane loose part) -TRAVERS
“But this is a whole piece.” (referring to her own acorn loose part) -Charlie N.
“… And anyways, it really doesn’t look like a feather but it is a feather cause there’s a little white right here. (How does it not look like a feather?) This sides all dark. On this side up through this it’s not. You can’t really think that’s a feather but here and here you can see that’s a feather (white parts) and right here u can’t really know if that’s right or not (dark stripes on one side) (So where it’s dark it doesn’t look like a feather and where it’s white it does?) Yeah.” WES
“…I don’t know this…see this stuff coming out of the wire? (The stuff coming out of the wire is interesting to you?) Yeah, do you know what it is? It could be…I’m still thinking. I think I might have another question. It’s kinda like a hose and a pipe.” CASE
"The wheel. I think it came from a truck." CAROLINE
"I drew all the rocks from my fairy garden!" -Rosalie
"See what I drawed?" What does that acorn go with? "Another acorn." -Ian
"It's just a jewel." -Charlotte
"I made a set!" -Tait draws several of his "flower" piece
"Look it, look it, look it!" -Ruthie points to her whole and half leaf (bottom left)
"I think this sort of looks like a rope. It would go with another rope. Well, I would spell rope if you give me the letters." -Wes draws Miles' piece
"Well it goes with green things. Long things like with flowers." -Julia draws Tait's piece
"I choosed the wire cause I know what it goes with...a house! So look how many floors I have on my house!" -Case
"I drew Miles' hose." LOUIS
"I made a bottle cap. A bottle cap is from a bottle cap (bottle). And this is a speed boat." TRAVERS
"I drew a bottle cap." CHARLIE N.
"This is a treasure map. It starts with Lu, first with 'L'" (referring to his name on the back of his drawing) LUCA
"It (the keyboard key) is in my room." ADDIE
"I drawed my name and my hose!" MILES
"I have an 'L' in my name like my brother. This is a bottle cap. This is a boat." CHARLIE S.