Listening, we train our ears to capture the children’s questions. As a thread unravels, we embark on ways through materials to help the children explore further.
“We’re keeping the bad guys in!”
Discovering talk centering around “bad guys” and interestingly, how to keep them “in” we wondered about this idea of capture.
“This (yarn hanging down to the floor) is so the bad guys can get in.” Britton
“Is it all about sewing into?” Eleanor
“We’re trying to get the bad guys.” Ada
“We’re putting ribbons in to trap them!”
Madeline R.

Liza Lou’s Maximum Security currently on exhibit in the museum lends itself beautifully to thoughts around capture and contain. This large and imposing piece evokes a familiar image yet is beautiful, as it shimmers with millions of shiny beads.
“Quinn told me. There’s gold and it was changing colors. There’s a gate around it that has gold. Wire inside. He did not want to keep it in his head, that’s why he told me.” Liam
“It changes color.” Liam
“I can’t see that.” Madeline P.R.
“See that yellow?” Liam
“It looks like a fence. It’s made of crystallitis.” Sylvie
“Fences open and shut.” Sylvie
“Fences make sure you don’t touch stuff.” Quinn
“They trap you.” Sylvie
“No, not to trap you. Someone couldn’t get inside ’cause of the top.” Quinn

"It's a tower! Madeline
"It goes all the way to the earth!" Liam
"It's Rapunzel's tower." Madeline P.R.
"Maybe we could draw what we see. We can watch people." Madeline P.R.
"It's electric and wires. I run away so it doesn't hit me." Liam
"It doesn't want to hit you. It only goes that far." Madeline P.R.
"Are we still playing that hot lava game?" Liam
"Yeah. If we fall in the road we're out of the game!" Madeline P.R.