On Tuesday morning, the children arrived to find leaves cascading down towards our Studio Purple rug. A letter and a box of gifts accompanied these leaves.
Dear Studio Purple,
Did you know there are many ways to tell a story? Well, I have a story for you today and I’m going to need your help! I have a bit of a riddle for you to solve and when you do, a surprise awaits for you! First, let’s begin before getting to the end!
Once upon a time, the trees were saying “good-bye” to their leaves, as they flutter and float and fly in the breeze. All golden, orange, and red, they sink softly off to bed…”But wait! Before we go,” the leaves shouted, “we want you to meet some friends who wait for you by our colorful beds.”

Friend number 1 is loads of fun and likes to be buried in the moist, wet leaves. A bumpy sort of creature with golden eyes, can you guess what my friend is? I’ll give you a hint…
Friend number 2 knows just what to do. When warm summer days pass a very long trip must come. Before this friend can go, a great transformation will be made and this once crawling creature will take to the sky, flying ever so high! Can you guess what this friend is? I’ll give you another hint…

Friend number 3 is silent and shy. She stands so still way up on a hill, with a curious fruit to offer. You may have seen her in the park and sometimes we like to be her in music with Mark. Can you guess who she is? Here’s another hint for you!
Friend number 4 is wriggly as can be! Dirt is where this friend is found. Long and lean and slimy indeed, can you guess this friend? Don’t worry, I have another hint for you…

Friend number 5 is just outside our doors. If you are sweet and leave this friend treats, seeds so tasty and round this friend will surely stick around. Flitting here and there with wings so bright and a beak to beat, can you guess this friend too? I know just what to do, I’ll give you a final hint…
Now that you solved our riddles and know about our friends, we leaves need to go before it starts to snow! Can you get dressed and come quick to see our friends before it’s time for us to go? Follow the path through the Park and don’t forget to wish us a good night!
“They’re costumes.” Charlie K.
“No, they’re not.” Alex
“They look like persons.” Charlie K.
Rufus by Toni Ungerer
Stumpkin by Lucy Ruth Cummins