How do we know when it’s Winter?

A conversation bubbled up over the course of two meetings this week. Our impending holiday season and the weather outside left us to wonder what it is that tells us Winter is here…
“When Santa comes.” -Jack
“When we were driving in the car and I wanted to listen to my song and my mom said no because I’m driving in the snow in the Winter.” -Kyla
“It’s not Winter cause my mom told me and the snow melted the first time and then came back again.” -Alex
“My sister told me it’s not Winter.” -Amelia
“My brother told me it’s not Winter cause we saw the grass and the leaves popping out in our yard.” -Charlie Kelly
“It’s Winter cause the snow is here.” -Tessa
“It’s Winter because of the snow on the ground and it’s still cold out there.” -Eva
“It’s Winter’s Eve not Winter!” -Alex
“My mom told me that it’s actually not Winter now but soon when it’s the Winter Solstice it will be actually Winter.” -Kyla
“No, It’s Winter’s Eve. It’s like Christmas Eve but Winter’s Eve and then it’s going to be the real Winter cause my mom told me it’s not Winter.” -Alex
“When I was coming here, my mom told me it’s Winter and she told me when Santa comes.” -Jack
“It’s Winter and Christmas.” -Tessa
“It’s Winter when your mom tells you when it’s Winter.” -Sam
“Driving here I see lots and lots of geese and they’re not going yet cause it’s not cold yet. They only do that in the Winter so it’s not Winter.” -Charlie Kelly
“It’s Winter now…cause it’s snowing. Winter is only 1 day!” -Alex
“No, Winter is a lot of days.” -Sam