Jumping off from our experience in the woods using velcro ties to attach in trees, we’ve begun exploring attaching in earnest in the Studio.

“You have to figure it out from when you hang it!” -Charlie Menke
“Hey, I know this. It’s a bike wheel…is it a mountain bike? Mountain bikes are bigger than adult wheels…mountain bike wheels don’t break.” -Zack
“This is kinda challenging to hang rocks up, right?” -Johann

This space is complimented with another way of attaching…
What will we discover as we explore how to make things come together?
In the museum…
In anticipation of families coming for our Winter Sing, we wanted to touch upon some beginning work around Peter Hutchinson’s Landscapes of My Life. Shortly before our Thanksgiving break, a small group explored one of Peter’s beautifully rich collage works.

Peter Hutchinson’s collage works create fantastical landscapes using parts of photographs, drawing, painting and narrative. There is the unexpected in his collages and the lushly layered images beckoned us to discover what we could see and what was hidden.
What do you see?
“A dog!” -Kyla
“Flowers. Pink flowers.” -Eva
“I can see mountains.” -Zack
“I see…um…grass.” -Eva
“I see blue sky.” -Kyla
“I see a digger.” -Zack
“I see a rock that kinda looks like a airplane.” -Kyla
What might you hear if you were in this picture?
“I can hear winds.” -Luca
“I can hear leaves rustling.” -Kyla

What’s this? Anybody recognize this?
“Bricks. Look at the puddle of water. The thing that looks like bricks is a puddle of water. I have an idea why it is a puddle of water…Oh! It is bricks! -Kyla
Normally when you see dogs, what else do you see?
“Uh…a person? Maybe the people is somewhere else.” -Eva
“Or the dog’s looking at the people.” -Kyla
“Maybe they’re playing hide and seek!” -Eva
This seems like a really good place to play hide and seek. Can you think of where you would hide if you were playing hide and seek in this place?
“Behind the mountains or in a plant.” -Kyla
“Where the flowers are.” -Luca
Emily then notes that Peter’s work has words and that he is interested in telling stories in his art.
Can you see how we played with the idea of “hide and seek” in creating a story about us?
How will this group’s experience inform the class about using collage as an imaginative way to play with a story about ourselves?


On thinking about friends…

“…Sometimes being a friend means you have to help your friend be their best self.”
Reading Yellow, Red, Blue by Lysa Mullady and Laurent Simon we wondered about working together. When the colors don’t work together we discovered something was missing. How can we find ways to work together?
“I would say, okay, maybe we could play. How about somebody could choose and then somebody else could choose the next time.” -Alex
“Or first, we could take turns and then they could then do the same thing next time.” -Kyla