Hello Studio Purple Friends!
You have been busy again this week, finding adventures inside and out! We have loved getting pictures of you and hope you enjoy seeing them here. We were thrilled to see everyone at our Studio Zoom Meet and look forward to our next one. This week also found us celebrating Emma and Victoria’s birthdays — Happy Birthday! While we feel sadness about not being together as a Studio Purple community, we are so very grateful for you all. Sending you big hugs!
Wendy and DJ
Charlie Kelly has been very busy with his family. There’s been a lot of pirate play, beach cleaning, exploring, giant hole digging, and time spent caring for his baby sister, Mizzie May. Charlie is also enjoying doing the posted daily invitations and listening to the stories read aloud.
Sam was inspired by a daily invitation from last week to use shapes to create art. Check out what he made. Perhaps you’ll be inspired too!
He was also inspired by Kjerstin’s video about nests and birds, and he went exploring for nests in his yard. He found a bird’s nest and a squirrel’s nest…Very exciting!
He also made Tracks using trucks with paint and paper and pretend animals with clay!
Johann has been finding lots of ways to play and be with his family! Measuring with measuring tape, watering plants, building with magna tiles, painting, exploring outdoors, and even vacuuming!
Luca has been taking a lot of early morning bike rides to visit some nearby farms. They even have been packing a picnic lunch to enjoy once they get there!

Jack continues to keep active with his family finding loads of time to explore outdoors! He even found a Blue Jay feather! That was his bird in Studio Blue! With the nice warm weather, Wolfie t-shirt was able to make a comeback! Jack got a great big delivery of mulch and watched the truck dump it all in his driveway!
Mika and Zack have found ways to be inspired by the Daily Invitations. After watching Mark draw his tree, they created their own tree houses. Zack’s tree is a home to busy “scurrying squirrels”. There are two birthday parties going, swinging rope elevators, drying mango treat in the attic…what else do you see?:) Mika’s tree is a home to some “happy little mice.” They also tried out Emily’s invitation to find “naked sticks” and found ways to dress them with colorful paint!

We delighted in “seeing” everyone at our Monday Zoom meet. It was wonderful to hear everyone share what they remember about Studio Purple and some of you even jumped ahead in your drawings about what you miss about Studio Purple. Alex quickly shared his drawing of missing Charlie Kelly who unfortunately clicked out by accident before being able to jump back in along with Mika and Zack! Despite these technical snafus a good time was had by all! Zack summed it up best later sharing with us his drawing stating,
“I miss you all!”