

Reading the story If I were your Mother by Margaret Park Bridges, a young child wonders if her mother would like to be a little girl once again.  As the mother reminisces about snuggling once again in her mother’s lap, this young child imagines all the ways she could be a mother to her mom.  Finishing the story, Travers smiles and gently sighs,

“I love my mom for holding me in her lap.”

We continued a conversation thinking about our moms…


What is something your mom always says to you?

“That I’ll always love you.” -ADDIE

“My mom says that she’ll always love me too!” -LUCA

“My mommy says that she always snuggled with me in the crib when I was a baby because I liked to play with my squeaky hop hop.  She always says that.” -ROSALIE

“I love you the whole entire world!” -WES

“That she love me!” -CAROLINE

“My mom loves me the whole entire, the whole entire, the whole entire world!” -TAIT

“She says that she loves me.” -CHARLIE N.


What makes your mom laugh?  What would you do to make your mom laugh?

“Nick would tell me a joke and I would tell it to mom.” -CASE

“She tickles me!” -TRAVERS

“She makes me laugh and she tickles me.  What do you do to make her laugh? I tickle her!” -RUTHIE

“My mom tickles me, dad tickles me, Sage tickles me and Sasha tickles me.  I would tell her a joke from Sagey” -JULIA

What makes your mom happy?

“When I say I love her.” -CHARLOTTE

“When she’s watching the evening news.” -IAN

“Playing a game.” -MILES

“She likes to play games with me.” -CHARLIE S.


It’s wonderful to have this opportunity to draw from the children their thoughts about mom.  We know that we won’t have this opportunity come Father’s Day so instead, we’d like to share this little amusing conversation to honor our dads as well!

“My dad is the best at fixing than anyone else’s dad.”  IAN

“No, my dad is.”  TAIT

“No, my dad is.”  WES

“Not better than my dad.”  TAIT

“If you come to my house, I’ll tell my dad to fix something and you’ll see.”  IAN

“Can your dad fix a glass jar?”  WES

“Yes.”  IAN

“Well, no.  But my dad can fix everything else.”  TAIT

Happy Mother's (and Father's) Day!