We continue to explore our curiosity around…
Finding our discoveries playfully through our knot tying inspired from Sheila Pepe’s work, Hot Mess Formalism…
“Look! I’m making shadows!” -Addie
“I can even see your shadow!” -Ian
“I discovered something!” -Caroline
“Oooh! Look! Let’s see the shadow of it!” -Ian

Through our imagination…
“No! It’s night!” -Case (placing projector’s light beam up to the ceiling)
“The sun is now nowhere and the moon is out.” -Case
“And this is an elevator. You go up, up, up to the sun.” -Wes
“Yeah, this is a peculiar house!” -Case

As well as, through our continued small group visits to Sheila Pepe’s art…

“I can see my shadow here cause there’s even sun here!” -Ian
“(laughing) Noooo. Hey, they can even connect!” -Miles (moving his hand shadow closer to Ian’s)
“Shadows can make dark when the light is turned on. When you put your hand on the light.” -Ian
“I can even see the shadow of the hook!” -Ruthie
“I see a belly shape!” -Miles
“She tied some stuff together and made the stuff on the wall.” -Ruthie
“Yeah, like I see shapes there!” -Ian
“I see X.” -Ruthie

“…composed of both the material (the solid objects) and the immaterial (the light or shadow).”
-Kumi Yamashita discussing her own artwork utilizing shadows