“Hey! That’s Not Even a Story!” -Britton

As we have narrated “stories” and even created “books” in Studio Purple, we’ve wondered what the children know or understand about “What makes something a story?  How do we know something is a story?”

“Pictures.” -Sylvie
“I can’t even answer that!” -Spencer
“Book covers” -Eleanor
“Drawing.” -Margot
“Pictures of people.” -Madeline P.R.
“Tape.” -Callen

In thinking about our reading of My Father’s Dragon, a chapter book, again we wondered aloud “How do we know this is a story?  What does it mean to be a chapter book?”

“Because it’s a book.” -Margot
“Or maybe pictures?” -Madeline P.R.

“It’s really long.  It has chapters in it.  It has sentences.” -Margot

“I’ve got paper and I’m putting on words, drawing a picture and using some tape to  put this cover on and then I’m folding it…“Is this a story?”

“Hey!  That’s not even a story!” -Britton
“It’s a ‘Not a story!” -Spencer

DJ creates another example.  “I heard you mention paper.  I’m going to hold up some paper and I’m gonna tell you some words and when I’m finished, I’m gonna have you tell me if it’s a story or not.

“There was an Octopus.  That exit sign isn’t working.  The sun came out.  I had some jello.  The carpet is dirty.  Yesterday we went fishing.  The blocks are a mess.”

It was interesting to note the children were attentively quiet as she narrated.  A smile broke out here and there as she continued and after she finished, it remained quiet briefly.  Laughter began to bubble up…


“That’s not a story!” -Spencer
“You were just so funny!” -Ada
“You need to be following.  Following like a line.  And not like blah, blah, blah, blahity blah, blah!” -Margot
It can’t be a book.  Blah, blah, blah is not a line.” -Spencer
“That’s not even listening to a story.  That was not funny words but it was just saying things.” -Nico

With the introduction of the silliness of expressing blah, blah blah our conversation turned to thinking about funny and funny ways to express in stories.  DJ wondered aloud if all stories had to be funny?

“Not all of them!” -various
“Stories could be boring.” -Quinn
“Or fun!” -Spencer
“Silly” -Margot
“And sad.” -Madeline P.R.
“If you were making the story, you can make the story however you want.  Even kinda funny.” -Spencer
“Sometimes stories are sad.” -Margot
“Like Rabbityness.” -Liam
“Cause the bunny disappeared.” -Britton
“No, it died.” -Madeline P.R.
“Nope, nobody knows what happened.” -Quinn
“I think he just got confused.” -Callen
“It went to find a Unicorn!” -Ada

"So I'm hearing that stories can make us feel things."