In the hopes of drawing our attention towards the vibrant shades of green in the summer landscape, we chose to begin the year by offering yellow and blue paints at the easel. After many days of free painting, we read Leo Lionni’s Little Blue, Little Yellow and we wondered…What happens when blue and yellow mix? We decided to take a closer look in the mini studio and we’ve been mixing paints ever since. The children have delighted in their discoveries!
“I’m making colorful Blue and Yellow. I’m making colorful things!” RUTHIE
“I made Green! I mixed it all up and made Green! The air doesn’t have any color.” CASE
“Oh! Look at this! I made it green now!” CHARLIE S.
“This is easy to make green. I’m making dark green.” IAN
“I’m painting with Blue and Red.” WES...
"I don’t see blue and red." DJ...
“That’s because the paint is mixed.” RUTHIE...
“It’s under this mixing.” CHARLIE S.
“Look what I made! All over the paper. You can’t see white and I made Purple.” RUTHIE
“Purple! It’s my favorite color.” CAROLINE
"I can mix them...It kinda looks like orange. See? See?” ADDIE
“I made orange.” CHARLOTTE
“It’s a very different color than Charlotte’s!” CAROLINE
“I made orange! I made Yellow and Red, that’s how I made orange.” -Charlie S.