During our vacation conversations we have discussed what you might need when you travel by airplane. Some answers have included, luggage, bathing suits, snacks, tickets, and passports. These are some photos that will be turned into passports for our adventures!
A lunchtime conversation
Sam I want to live in Grand Cayman, because it’s super hot there and it never snows! It only rained one day, and that day I made a candle. Hannah and Henry went snorkeling one day, but I didn’t, but I went to another place and there was not deep water and I picked up starfish!
Tait It never snows in Florida either!
Kaya I want to live where there is alot of pasta! I want to live where your au pair lives Tait. Raise your hand if you saw Kjerstin on a plane to California? That was so funny! I would like to live in California. It’s Spring there!
Tait I was behind you Kaya! My plane was behind your plane and Sam’s plane was behind mine! I was on JetBlue.
Kaya I was on JetBlue too!!! I was on JetBlue coming home. I took two planes coming home.
Sam I only took one plane going to Grand Cayman and two planes to my home. You have to get off the airplane, and walk, walk, walk to the other airport and then go up, up, up the stairs and then you find your seat and go up, up ,up in the air!
Tait JetBlue has boosters. I heard them when I was going to Florida. For real guys!
Kaya Make it go super fast, right?
Sam I’ve been on two planes. It just went boop and we were there!