After lunch on Friday we decided to head to the museum to check out the new Lab and, as it was a sunny day, the camera obscura. As we climbed the stairs we turned into the second floor exhibit. The bright colors on the posters caught the children’s attention.

Ada has an idea.
I want to show you something nobody has seen before, she says excitedly. I want to show you something. It’s really important. Come in here guys.
Ada leads us up the stairs and through the Screens exhibit, barely pausing to look at anything. She takes us not to The Lab but to the Process Gallery.
This is it! We can put on the hats!
We spend several minutes trying on hats and walking through the chain curtain, sometimes parting the curtain with our hands, sometimes letting the chains drag over our bodies without moving them with our hands.
From the Process Gallery we head to the lab and spend sometime in the Camera Obscura, it takes a few minutes for our eyes to get used to the light and for the images to appear. The children would rather be out in The Lab today.
Outside we were able to move our bodies and enjoy the beautiful Fall day. What a fun afternoon!