With our variable weather conditions during the past few weeks, the children’s have had many outside experiences with snow, slush and ice. Here are some indoor wintry explorations from our afternoons.
The children made puffy snow paint, by mixing shaving cream and glue together. Sequins, glitter and paper were offered to create snow scenes and snow people.

The woodland animal table, with pretend snow and trees has been a popular spot for children to create scenes and tell stories either in pairs or by themselves. Wes and Julia start their play by first placing the trees in the snow, and then each choosing a rabbit to enter the forest. Then some foxes creep into the play..

There have been many penguin adventures at the playdough table. The sparkly playdough has been turned into islands, mountains, and hiding spots for penguins.

Julia We’re making so many cookies! it’s a cookie shop!