There was so much excitement about the swiftly changing weather conditions this week! We often notice that the children keenly feel these upcoming changes even before they happen. The anticipation of snow on Thursday stirred many discussions about sledding, skiing, building snowman and winter holidays! Friday brought the thrill of playing in the first snow. In the afternoon, children rushed to the window to watch more snow flurries. It’s snowing. It’s snowing!
The rain puddles from Wednesday turned into Thursday ice ponds. Looking out the window, Marky happily shouts Ice! Ice! Ice! I want to go out on the ice! Ice! Ice! Ice!

We decide that after spending some more time playing inside that we would go outside to explore the ice. Marky gets to work making a representation of the ice. This is the ice and these are the leaves stuck in the ice.
Travers stands up the animals near the ice. Marky – This is the animal pond , here next to the ice. Travers- Yeah, so they can be warm! A hot tub!

Yeah a hot tub! Hot tub, hot tub! Marky
I’m cold! Hey one of them said he was cold. They’re shi…shi.. shivering. The squirrels are in the hot tub to warm them up. Let’s put all the animals in the hot tub!

Marky decides to refine the ice pond. Let’s just use the blue ones, because ice is blue and the leaves have to be under the ice like this. Travers and Marky build the ice pond together and then make an arch shaped bridge into the hot tub.

Ursula and Charlie have also been finding ways to keep animals warm. Here they are building homes and shelters, and using blankets, felt pieces and fleece to keep the animals cozy and safe.