Henry works with the small manipulatives turning them into letters. Look I made an H. An H for Henry! He turns it around,Look it’s an I now! Now an E! Sam watches his brother carefully. Sam is working on connecting circles to straight pieces. He announces, I made an O! Big O and Little O!

Hannah searches for pink pieces. I’m looking for another pink circle, like this. I can use this one, but it’s not a circle. Hannah uses a square piece instead. Look glasses! All pink! Well some purple too. Sam is interested too, so he examines Hannah creation and puts together his own set of glasses to peer through. Sam walks around the room trying out his invention.

Margot remembers playing with these manipulatives last year. Now how did I use to make those beds before? With some trial and error as to which size pieces to use Margot is satisfied with her bed, and creates an assembly of beds for the baby animals. Margot’s creations spark Ada’s interest, I’m making a bed like Margot’s!

Noticing the baby animals in their beds, Julia brings some over to add to her structure.
It’s a boat! Woo, woo… She whirls the boat around, using a straight piece for pulling.
Wes and Maddie have other purposes in mind.
Wes, This is a game. A ball goes into the star, and then the circle. See there is a ball inside, and that’s where you put your lunch. See if you are tall enough you have a cubby up there, and if you’re small down there, and there goes your lunch!

Maddie intently concentrates on making her structure and stands her pieces upright.
These are hula hoops, so many.