Let’s make a farm! I’m a boy farmer. Marky
I’m the horsey! That’s because I love horses. I ride a horse and his name was Pie! Ursula
Ursula is the horsey and I’m the ducky! That’s because I love duckies! I’m the mother duck. I’m a Making Duck and you are a Building Farmer Marky. Charlie

Marky is focused on locating all the bricks on the playground to build a second story for the barn. I’m a Bricker! More bricks are coming! Marky experiments with various brick carrying techniques and demonstrates them to Charlie. This is so heavy!

Ursula finds a broken brick. Maybe this can be the hay?
No! Charlie
Maybe this can be the milk? the table? Ursula
No! It can be part of the farm. Charlie
No, but it’s broken up! Ursula
Ok then it can be hay!!! Charlie

While Ursula and Charlie gather food for themselves, Marky builds ponds for the animals.
This is so much hay, and this is maple syrup. Horses love maple syrup! Ursula
I’m making a pond for you, Ursula. Marky
I need a line that way. Ursula points with her figure to show Marky how she would like the pond to end.
I’m a Working Duck, Marky, this pond can be for my babies, and that big pond can be for me and Ursula. Charlie
Yeah, that would be fun! That would be funny! Ursula
How about you’re a grown-up Ursula and I’m a grown-up and Marky you’re a grown-up farmer! Charlie
I’m the big girl horse, and I gallop, I’m five, and I’m a girl! Ursula
I’m 17! What’s your name? Charlie
My name is Horsey the Fastest! Ursula
My name is Ducky the Splashest! Charlie
So you splash to get faster like me, to catch up to me! Ursula

This pond is almost done for the grownies! The grownies, what the grownies? hahaha!!! Marky

I know how to eat like a duck! Marky turns his hand into a duck beak and pretends to eat. Ursula and Charlie join in! The animals are very hungry after a busy farm building morning!
One morning, after Marky completed a puzzle maze on his own, Charlie joined him at the table and together they recreated an enclosure for the farm animals.

We’re not starting yet. We have to build a wall. You need to make the walls bigger. It’s going to take slower if someone doesn’t help. Can you put the animals in and we’ll build the walls? Marky
Marky’s horizontal puzzle turns into a vertical wall. With some trial and error Charlie and Marky work together to fit the blocks around to make an enclosure. Charlie lines up the animals. They work slowly and carefully so as not to tip over animals or cave in the walls.