Lately, out on the playground, there has been a flurry of animal play. We have seen birds, kittens, dogs, wolves and even dragons! Themes of play revolve around being a family, finding shelter and food, as well as an exciting element of finding protection from danger!
Meow Meow Meowww!!! This is my shelter. I’m making shelter for myself because I’m a kitty.
Louis and Charlie rush over, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff! I know what dogs do to cats. They bark at cats and they try to get away from dogs.
Pretend that you are chasing me right around my house. Ok? Caroline runs arounds and rushes back to the safety of her home. Louis, Charlie and Caroline continue playing this chasing game for some time. The kitty ventures further away from her home, but always gets safely back before the dogs catch up to her.
Charlie has a suggestion. How about if we are all kitties?
Yeah, yeah! I’ll be the baby, you be the mama. Pretend I was thinking about food, but say that it is naptime and that you can not eat that! Meow! Pretend that you weren’t looking and I ran away and a wolf was chasing me and you heard a baby kitty meowing.
Louis does not want to be a kitten. I’m a wolf, but I don’t want to get distracted by mean cats. Charlie explains, We are not mean cats. We are afraid of those wolves. Louis wonders about his family, But I need a mama wolf and a baby too. The mama wolf keeps the baby wolf safe. Louis figures out a way to solve the problem. Ra Ra will be the baby wolf, I’ll be the boy wolf and you (Kjerstin)can be the mama wolf. The kitty family seem a bit suspicious of the wolves, but are also captivated by Louis’s desire to have a wolf family.