Eleanor Look! I made a doctor sign! See two together makes a doctor sign. These are like puzzle pieces with no pictures on them. You can make anything you want to! You know what I’m going to be? A vet! Do you know what a vet is? It’s a doctor that takes care of animals, like kitties!
One afternoon, Eleanor and Ada had a conversation about their families, roles and interests.
Eleanor I want to be a vet when I grow up! My Mom is a mother AND A TEACHER! My Dad is a real alive doctor and my brother is a ninja.
Ada I’m a mermaid fairy! Do you know what that is? It is a mermaid that can swim, and a fairy with waterproof wings so it can fly! I have five mermaid sisters! It’s so fun! My Dad sells bikes! Bikes are like toys for kids! I even go there to ride bikes! My Dad has the funner job, so fun! My Mom has the boringer job, she’s is on the computer, boring. But some days she works at home!!! That’s fun because then I can go see her! I don’t know what she does, she works for the United States government!
Eleanor Well I’m going to be a kittie for Halloween! I’m going to carry a doctor bag. Do you know what’s going to be in it? Doctor tools! I’m going to be a kittie doctor!