There has been enthusiastic interest in building roads and ramps for the construction vehicles and cars. With so many cars on the road, sometimes the drivers have been going too fast. It was decided that making road signs was needed to be safe drivers.

Charlie attaches his road sign onto a piece of wood.
Sam does the same, See, I made red, green and yellow. That means slow down.

Miles concentrates on using a red marker in a circular motion. It says slow down, a red light is coming. After adding a few more colors, Miles adds his sign to the road.

After days of road construction and car driving, Tait and Travers focus on building garages so that their cars can rest at night. Travers puts his car inside the garage and shuts the doors, and announces Goodnight! Then Tait and Travers lie down too, and then announce, It’s morning time! Time to wake up! This play has been repeated and elaborated on over several days.
Tait, Gotta get up early! It’s a school day! We are teachers, Right? Wanna be teachers? Good morning students!
Tavers, Yeah, we’re teachers! Tait, Let’s pretend that the other cars at school are not going to be nice to us, ok? Travers and Tait go back and forth taking on the role of being a teacher and being a car “student”.
Garage building has caught on as an activity using magna-tiles for other children as well. Wesley, I’m making a garage, I was using those ones. It not a roof, yeah it is.

After building very long vehicles with the Mobilos,Travers constructs a garage that is the right fit. Tait comes over and asks if he can park his vehicle as well. At first, doubtful if another truck can fit, Tavers and Tait discover that by adding more magna-tiles both can fit!