Early Arrival gives children the opportunity to begin the day in a small group with children from all four studios. Ursula, being the first to arrive one morning experiments with making prints in the sand using various items. Printing with a long half pipe she joyfully exclaims “Look! I made a smile, it’s a smile!” After making many more smiles, Ursula fills a pie plate with sand, and then using the half pipe she adds smiles. “It’s a smile cake!”

Charlie walks on top of the rocks surrounding the sandbox. Noticing that the rocks are sandy, she gets a brush to dust the sand off the rocks. Marky, curious as to what Charlie is doing comes over to observe. She points to the table, “There are more brushes over there!” He finds another brush and joins in. Marky says “Now it’s not slippery, right?” Charlie tries out the cleared off rocks. “It’s not slippery!” Marky rushes over as he spies one rock that needs a bit more dusting!

One morning, after a rainy night, the rocks are shiny and wet. Marky, independently collects green rocks and puts them in a pile. Charlie and Ursula wander over to observe Marky’s collection. “I’m collecting only green rocks.” Ursula and Charlie intrigued by Marky’s idea, excitedly search for more rocks to add to his pile!