Jonah- I was running at the pool and BOOM, I hurt my foot. I ran on the stone floor, bump, bump, bump OUCH!-

Jonah bandages his own foot, carefully twisting and tying. He then announces, Oh Oh now I have an infection. It won’t go away!

Hearing about the trouble that Jonah is experiencing, Quinn hurries over. You need an x-ray. I will check your bones. Quinn uses an instrument he designed himself!

Jane- Don’t worry, you need a shot, but it won’t take long. Ada- Yeah, I need a flu shot so I won’t get the flu. I can do my own bandage, I actually freak out when people take bandaids off, so I can do that myself. And oh I have a hurt foot too.

Eleanor – I’m a doctor, I’m an expert! That means the best! Ada- I’m an expert too! Eleanor- Ada and me are experts! This turtle needs a bandage. Ada-Yeah, and you need surgery. Eleanor- What surgery? Ada- The flu surgery! Eleanor- Look this deer really actually has a broken leg. I can fix that. And I have a real cut on my knee, see? I need a real bandage.

The doctors at the hospital have been very busy, so sometimes there is line-up in the waiting room. Luckily there are small beds for animals and large beds for children.

Wes and Julia attend to a chipmunk with a hurt foot. Wes- He fell on concrete, now he has to walk slowly and not jump. He’s kind of better, but not totally.

Zaahra OH NO! The flu shot didn’t work! Ada has the flu. She has to have an x-ray. Into the machine for ten minutes! Ada covers her mouth with the sheet, so she doesn’t spread germs. Brooke listens to her heart and Zaahra covers her head. Ada makes coughing sounds and flutters her eyes open and shut. I’m so sleepy.

Jonah and Thomas listen to hearts with the stethoscope. Ruthie and Sam work on opening bandaids to help hurt feet and knees. Quinn trims a bird’s nest to prepare it for it’s new eggs. Ada writes important messages on her computer, relaying information to doctors.
Margot- That’s how you send a message to the doctor. If you have a computer, you can say somebody broke her foot.