One day, during clean-up time Sam decides to use his six-wheeler to deliver blocks to the shelf. Through quiet concentration, Sam works on balancing the blocks and moving the truck toward the shelf. Although there are several topples, Sam persists with his plan! Henry notices Sam’s clean-up idea, and balances blocks on top of his trash truck.

After several days exploring cars and trucks, Travers and Thomas decide to make a road. They choose construction vehicles to push the blocks and connect the road. Travers – I need a down and up. The truck goes down the ramp, I need an up one. Thomas –How do we find another hill? There is another hill! Look the hill is back! Satisfied with their down and up ramps, Thomas and Travers spend some time pushing their trucks back and forth. Quinn comes along with his multi-wheeled creation. I’m a flattener. I’ll flatten your road. Later on, Quinn discovers that a couple of alligators can help build the road, especially when they open their large mouths and use their teeth. When the road is completed, Travers expresses his alligator concerns. Alligators can’t be in the road! Quinn understands Ok, they can live under the road, sometimes there is water under roads.

Travers and Thomas experiment with lifting objects with the forklift. They work together for this operation, since it requires stability, and turning a knob!
Thomas zooms the garbage truck, collecting items along his path. I get it, then I haul it. This is how I haul it. Thomas demonstrates by tossing items aside. You just throw it away, hauling!

Kaya works with the magna-tiles, trying to figuring out how to get the pieces to fit around the square without falling down.
Wes Owl is riding it to a restaurant. I’m taking my friend turtlely to a restaurant in a truck!

Kaya and Thomas watch in suspense as Travers builds a very, very tall tower out of magna-tiles!