Lunch time has been a time for children to meet children from different studios, and to have extended time with familiar friends. From the excitement of bringing a lunchbox to school to unpacking the various items, and comparing different and similar foods many conversations take place.
“I have that same yogurt! I have two clementines too! Look three apples!”

After the children finish eating their lunches, we gather in the reading area to look at books,as we prepare for a quiet rest time. Today there was much excitement and activity outside our window, so many children were curious! We observed from the window, and then ventured outside to get a closer look!
They are painting the road blue! The man is making lines!
After rest time there was even more activity and noise outside the window. This time it was Brad and Doug mowing the grass. Henry, Quinn and Sam rushed over to watch and take turns with the binoculars.