Over the past few weeks we have been enjoying using the bakery set up by Studio Yellow. The food the children were making in the bakery began to be used for the animals in a different part of the studio. These animals were sick and in the animal hospital. We asked the children what supplies a hospital needs to help its’ patients.
A doctor thing that you put on your ears to listen to your heart. – Ada
Band-aids – Sylvie
Crutches – Margot
A computer – Wes
Medicine – Sylvie
Something to look in your eyes and your ears – Ada
X-Ray – Sylvie
Blood pressure thing that squeezes your arm – Margot
Something in your arm…- Julia
That’s called a shot – Cal
Yeah, a shot – Julia
One time we needed a blood test, but our blood test didn’t hurt. They did it very gently. -Wes
Stickers – Maddy
We noticed the children were very gentle with each other (and us) as they played. We could see them using their experiences at the doctor’s office and perhaps from a hospital visit as they spoke to each other, reassuring patients that they would be OK and even offering a sticker “for being brave”.