Mondays see Extended Day in Studio Blue and this week Mark was surprised to find a strange guitar hanging in the studio. Sam had brought in his own guitar to share with us.
As Sam sat in front of the group Ursula excitedly told us I know, it’s a guitar. I have one at home too!
I have a pick, said Sam, it has animals on it.
Picks are really cool acknowledged Ursula
It (the pick) plays really fancy Sam told us.

Ursula is excited that both she and Sam have a guitar.
Maybe I could bring my guitar in to school tomorrow. That would be super good. Maybe… but it doesn’t really play well. It doesn’t have a pick. You just have to do it with your hands. She wiggles her fingers to demonstrate.
Sam leads us in a rendition of ‘This little light of mine’ before letting the other children take a turn to strum on his guitar
Does anyone else have a musical instrument at home?
We have a instrument. A lot. Amelia tells us. We have a triangle.
Kaya tells us he also has a guitar.
I have a piano and two guitars…three says Charlie.
As we go to put the guitar away the children notice Mark’s guitar hanging on the wall. How are they the same? How are they different.
Mine has colors (strings) Sam notices.
Mark has a red pick, Sam has animals.
Mark has one hole, Sam has two and Mark’s doesn’t have a smile!