Boom Chicka Boom by Peter and Ellen Allard
Literacy, self-regulation
Lyrics: (call and response)
I say boom chicka boom (children repeat: I say boom chicka boom)
I say boom chicka boom
I say boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom
Oh yeah, (I raise hands here)
Uh huh, (and lower hands here)
Next time,
(A little softer/louder/slower/faster/with an L, etc.)(on the last time say: “Next time, THE END!”)
I added a literacy element by changing the first sound of “boom chicka boom” to start with a given letter sound: “Next time, with an L.” (you could show them the letter L, too).
I say loom licka loom…
I say loom licka locka licka locka licka loom
Oh yeah,
Uh huh,
Next time…