While reading Are You My Mother? Johann suggested, Only a branch like this can hold a nest.
We wonder what makes Johann think this.
Johann: Because it has two little tips, it has two little tips, two little tips. The mama bird goes right there. And they sit down. When they’re in this round part they sit down. When they are in the middle they stand.

Johann points to the parts of the nest while he explains.
We bring in a couple of sticks with this shape.

Johann: Then the bird nest go right there. The bird nest goes like that and then the bird goes Fwooo and lands right there. And then goes doot doot doot doot doot and then the bird flies fly fly like that and when the bird wants to, the bird fly fly flieeeees.
Johann hands the branch to Kesler and Kesler holds it up above his head.
Kesler: This looks like a F. That’s look like a T.
Kesler continues: It’s a little bit pointy. Put it in the dirt and put it up like that, it’s gonna build a nest. Be a tree. A big tree. Outside. Like a big tree. Like Diane and Mark. Tall. That big. Like my arm.I’m getting big. I’m getting big.
Johann: It’s a little thin.
Will that make a good one?
Yes. Like this. (He puts the stick on the floor and very gently puts his booted foot on the V part of the stick. The nest, right on those things. And the bird sit on the nest. And the bird sleep on the nest.
We add some of these sticks to the playdough table. We have started to explore how to use these sticks with the playdough and also with our birds…