Diane invites Elliot and Kesler to go for a walk in the park and maybe up to the museum. Elliot is unsure if he wants to leave the comfort of Studio Blue and is hesitant to go. Kesler asks when his grandma will pick him up and if we will be back in time. Both Elliot and Kesler have many questions, a bit unsure about this unexpected change in routine. Diane wonders if they would like to bring their birds along and they both think that's a good idea. Elliot wants to hold his bird in his hand, while Kesler wants his bird put safely in Diane's backpack, which will come along with us for the walk. Kesler also tucks a drawing that grandma had made for him that morning into his coat pocket, and he holds onto it, his hand wrapped tightly around the paper.
As we venture out into the sculpture park, Kesler quietly absorbs everything happening around him, tuned in to all of the sounds and sights in the park. Elliot is doing the same, but he is driven to ask many questions. He is unsure about what we are doing and wonders aloud if we are safe. We take our time, allowing the questions to be asked and opportunity to adjust to this change in routine. Little by little, we grow in comfort.
Elliot: My bird maybe worried. No. My worried too.
This is a different day, isn’t it? You are feeling worried about what we are doing.
Elliot notices Listening Stone off in the distance. He comments that it is sleeping so we have to be quiet. He thinks it might be a mommy.
Elliot is curious about the road in the distance. Noticing that the sidewalk we are walking on looks like the surface of a road, he seeks reassurance that we are safe.
Elliot: See, look. That for car…What’s that sound?
We are walking in a place that is only for people. We are safe. That road is where the cars drive. He later hears a car coming and tells us, watch out for cars. No walk in the road.
Kesler: That’s where Grandma goes to find…to find people.
Elliot: (Looking at Listening Stone again) That’s sleeping. No wake up. Museum. Wake up for museum.
Oh, it will wake up for the museum?
Elliot: Yes, don’t touch it.
Julie joins us at Listening Stone.
Kesler: I don’t want to go to the museum.
Elliot: This is sleeping right here. Be quiet. Look, wake up!
Diane tells Julie that it’s a different day and we’re a bit worried.
Elliot: Yea, maybe worried. Mama. I worry Mama.
Elliot turns and looks again at the sculpture.
Elliot: Look, wake up. Wake up. See look, little nose. He laughs. And look, little ears. And mouth. And head. And ears. Water on it. Yes.
Kesler places his hand gently on the sculpture and feels it. It’s a rock.
Elliot: Look. That funny. He gasps. What’s that sound? People. This a cold rock. Oh, look car! What’s that? What’s that? Look, little mouth. See look, wake up. Ok, go sleep. Now be quiet. Go sleep. Oh, look! Playground!
Kesler: I see it too!
We know that playground!
Kesler: Studio Blue playground!
Elliot: Studio Blue playground! Yay!
We’re gonna play there later.
Both Elliot and Kesler jump up and down in excitement. Our time spent with Listening Stone, responding to their questions and following their lead has been well worth it. They are more at ease and comfortable with the plan.
As we walk on, heading up the hill to the museum building, Elliot looks back and calls out to Listening Stone,
We approach the museum and both children express that they want to return to Studio Blue. We remind them that we will return to Blue soon.
How’s your bird feeling?
Elliot: Sad maybe. I will hold it.
Kesler, would you like your bird?
Kesler: No.
How’s your picture doing?
Kesler: Good.
Elliot: My bird is sad. My sad too. I want mama.

We decide to go inside and sit at the bottom of the big staircase. Through the window, we watch Three Lines. Elliot comments that it looks like it’s falling down and Kesler tells us that he saw that on the walk here, I saw that…and I said, what is it?
A small group from Studio Purple is also visiting the museum. They head up the stairs and we watch them climb all the way up. Kesler slowly begins to stand up. He grabs onto the railing and begins to climb up the steps. He is ready to go further into the museum.

We enter the Linde Gallery where Elliot wants to go colors (noticing the bright colors in Sheila Pepe’s installation )As we walk into this new space, Kesler is immediately struck by the sound his shoes make on the floor. He stands in one place, repeatedly lifting up his foot, stomping it down on the floor and listening closely as the sound echoes throughout the gigantic space.

We are then drawn to the person we see standing in the room with us. Her name is Willa and we ask her what her job is.
I watch over all the art and make sure that it doesn’t get tugged. Because it looks best when it’s nice and still and quiet.
So you’re taking care of the art?
Willa: Yes.
Elliot is very fond of Willa and he watches her as she walks around the gallery. Julie wonders if there is something that Willa likes about the art that she wants to tell us about.
Willa: You know on your shoes, you have laces? All of this art is made out of those shoelaces. So instead of tying your shoe with them, she decided to make something special with it. So she took all of her shoelaces out and she tied them like that and decided to make something very creative.
Elliot: I wanna do that.
Elliot: No, don’t have it. Kesler no have it. I have it. I wanna do that. Take that one second (Elliot asks Diane to hold his bird, the first time he has let it go) I wanna tie shoes for a second. Look. See, look! I fixing it.

Elliot invites Willa to sit down next to him on the floor while we take a look at the video playing. It is Sheila Pepe making meatballs. This reminds Elliot of playing with playdough. Kesler agrees. He thinks he can make meatballs out of playdough.
That's play dough! Like me!
I can roll them!

Willa: It's the elevator guy.

We head up to a place where we can play in the museum...The Lab!
Oh, this is not working right now...
I fixing it. I fixing elevator!

We take a minute to look out the window together...and when Kesler gently drops a pillow onto Elliot...
...a fun game ensues!