Dear Studio Blue,
What happens when we . . .
. . . try out someone else’s idea when we’re drawing?

Drawing happens everywhere – inside with the colored pencils and on your clipboards, and outside on the playground. We see you drawing with the pipes on the playground. There are different ways to make lines with a pipe. Sometimes you go forward – Dax, you found that pushing your pipe forward can be hard to do when the pipe gets stuck. When Will’s pipe got stuck, you (Dax) and Ferdinand helped by taking woodchips away. Augie, you found one way to solve that problem: you got down super low – so low you were crawling on the ground. When you came to a wagon, you crawled right under it! We couldn’t believe you could fit! Another way to make lines with a pipe is to walk backwards. Arlo, when you noticed Will making lines, you did too – and you made a big circle – it looks like you were walking backwards. Will, you saw Arlo’s circle and made one too, but it turned into a spiral that got bigger and bigger. You said you were making a map. Then Arlo made a line that went all the way around the playground, and then Will did it too. Alice, you made lines with your boots! All these lines remind us of the picture in the bird book, how birds’ tails might make lines in the sky. Are the birds making a map of where they fly?

. . . try out someone else’s idea when we’re building?
We brought out see-through colored blocks. It’s fun to look through them and see people turn different colors – and it’s fun to look through the windows of a building you make. Your buildings change every day, and you have more and more ideas about what to build, and how to balance pieces.
Sometimes one person does something, and another person likes that idea and tries it out, too.
Arlo, you made this...
and when you saw it, Augie, you tried it out, and William, you made something like it too, on another day – you called it a fence, and it went all the way from one end of the table to the other. (photo on right – William isn't there, but you can see where he lined up the blocks.

Camden, when you built this robot…
Will saw it and decided to make one, too.

Sometimes we use felt.
Jemima, you made this felt building (Was it a house? Was it around your bird, in a bowl? We’re not sure…)

You had to work carefully to get the felt to stay up, but when the felt fell over, you tried again until you got it the way you wanted it.

And here’s another place you made for your bird, Jemima.

Cassie, you built this . . .

. . . and then it looks like you worked with William on his building.

Alice, when you built this tall building around a group of wooden people, we wonder if you noticed the way the light through the blocks makes the people inside turn different colors.
. . . try out someone else’s idea just walking around?!

Llewyn, you saw Will walking like this...

...and decided to try it, too!
Insects continue to be of interest, both inside the classroom and out.

When a bug was found, we looked for it on the guide – to no avail!

When Dax spotted a spider, Augie made a house for it, and Camden added a door.
And we met and and played with Yeonjee, who will be joining us every Tuesday.