Dear Studio Blue,
We have been finding new ways to use the pipes together, creating many new things with clay, continuing to explore pine cones, digging and doing road work outside, playing games with color and animals inside, and using rubber bands in lots of different ways! We also have a new game we play to clean up Studio Blue!

One of the ways we are most visible to each other in Studio Blue is through sound. When one person makes a noise, another person imitates it, perhaps repeating it a little louder (Does this create a social connection?). When the noise becomes uncomfortable, we remind each other to have quieter voices. Sometimes we turn out the lights to let everyone know it is too loud.
We have all been working on using an inside voice when we are inside the Studio and saving our outside voice for our time at the playground or out in the park. Changing the way we sound and move can be tricky!

Food for Cats and Birds
William and Ferdinand, you were sitting at the clay table when you noticed some cats walking around. Ferdinand, you offered some cat food to (Dax) the cat, but the cat wasn't hungry. Camden, when you sat at the clay table too, you had your bird with you. You used your clay to make bird food.

Later on, Camden, when you were breaking up the pinecones, you announced: We’re making bird food (do you remember that Augie was making scrambled eggs?).

Road Work
On Tuesday, a small group played on the playground together. Llewyn and Dax, you found wagons to push and pull around the playground. Will and Kairan, you worked together to fix the road for Dax and Llewyn.

Will: I’m working on a road. Because there’s a broken part over here.
Kairan: Yea. And we need cones.
Will: Kairan, you make this part all clear and I will keep working on this part.
Kairan: Broken road! Right here! Broken road!
Will: I gotta get all of the nuts out of it. This dirt. Because I need to make a new road. We need all of this (m)equipment.
Kairan: Everybody's coming in this direction.

Will: We fixed the road. Now we have to clean up.
Kairan: Yea, now we need to clean up. We need a wagon. Put the concrete in this wagon.
Kairan: We don’t need a lot of equipment, we need a little bit.
Will: So, I will get all the equipment...or you?
Kairan: You.
Will: But I just have two hands.
Kairan: Well you can use one at a time.
Will: Ok.
Will: I’ll go get some pipes.
Kairan: Great! We need them. I’ll hold onto your shovel while you’re gone.
Will: I got them!
Kairan: Great!
Will: I’ll get the rest. I will get a little bit…
Will calls out to Dax and Llewyn, You can go now, guys!
Kairan: Yea, you can go now. Let’s put everything back in the truck.

Will: This is a good...I like doing this Kairan...I like this. The road is clear now. We work on it.
Kairan: Ok, let’s go! We don’t need that many shovels.
Will: I’ll push!
Kairan: We gotta make our own house.
Will: We attach to this part and then to that part and then (the owners) comes in and then we can come in.
Will: I think this is a great idea. We maked a house. That road is clear!
Games, continued...
The game table has changed! Here's how we play: We choose an animal. Then we drop a colored die and see what color is on top. Then we have our animal move to a dot that is that color.
The game is kind of like our cleanup game, where we roll the big die (or cube) and put our bird on the color to find out what we'll be cleaning up.

Rubber Bands
We are finding out more about how to use rubber bands. Cassie, you discovered that you need a large rubber band to go around a large block. Vivian, when you saw the new table with the hooks, you found that you could reach all the way across to stretch a rubber band onto the hooks. Alice, you tried this, too. And Dax, you found out that bristle blocks can stick to the rubber bands.

Sir Camden with Bird