Dear Arlo, Cassie, Jemima, Vivian, and William,
I loved our museum visit with Emily! We got to meet her at meeting, and after snack we headed up to the museum. Some of you had been there before, so you knew where it was. When we got in the door, we went to the coat room, took off our coats and hats, and learned the museum rules: our hands don't touch the art, our voices are not too loud, and we use walking feet. We also hold the railing when we walk up the stairs.
Here we go!
William, you wanted to see the "water sculpture," so we looked out the window at it. Someone said it looked golden inside. What could be making the inside of it golden?

Cassie, you suggested that we go upstairs, "where the toys are." So we went to the LAB (that’s what that room is called).
We folded paper and hung it on the house. We drew on other pieces of paper and hung them up, too – I remember you doing this, Jemima.
Then we all played on the big green cushions. They were a boat, and a blue rug was the ocean! Sometimes we looked through the window. We saw sculptures and part of the building. We saw the pointy roofs that are just like the tent sculptures that we have been to in the sculpture park. You also built with the blocks.
When you put on the white coats with the glasses, I thought you'd pretend to be Doctor Emily, because she had a white coat. But instead, you said you were dressing up like Diane because she wears glasses!

When we were done in the LAB (that’s what that room is called), we looked around at some other exhibits. Emily and I noticed that water kept coming up. First there was the water sculpture, then there was boat and ocean play, and in this room there was a video of something happening in water. We also saw a picture with letters on it.
Arlo, you wanted to keep going up, but the stairs because they had a rope across them, so we weren’t allowed. So we went downstairs. Everyone wanted to take the elevator down, and on the way, we walked through this gallery – and saw more pictures of water! There was a jellyfish in water, which reminded me of the jellyfish that Cassie drew the other day, and I also remember you, Arlo, drawing a jellyfish in the sand a long time ago.

Finally, we found the elevator, took it down, and headed back to Studio Blue!