As we head out the door, Diane tells the children that we are going to visit the museum, but it will be different from the last time we went - for the Winter Sing. Our families won't be there this time. We are going there this time to explore a bit and learn about the museum. But first, Diane asks a question, How should we get to the museum? Which way should we go?
Kairan suggests we take the train and he drives us there.
On the ride there, Alice waves to her Daddy through the window. Daddy!
We get off the train and Kairan and Will run up ahead.
Alice and Llewyn giggle as they walk up the hill backwards.
We come together and are taken by the large museum building in front of us.
Then Alice and Llewyn lead the way to the entrance.
We stop in the Coat Room where Emily Silet joins us. She helps us to remember the Museum Manners we learned with her before. As we stand up, Alice notices that she and Emily have something in common.
We both have (balle) 'rina dresses!
We make our way up the stairs and head into the Dewey Gallery. Alice pauses and then looks up at Emily, No more seats here. Where’d everybody go?
This large empty room invites three year olds to run and play with sounds. They are trying to make sense of this new space, so different from the last time we all gathered here. Children take in information through all of their senses and the urge to touch and explore with their bodies makes it hard to settle in this space. Will finds something that can be touched in the gallery and when he wraps his hand around a pole, it makes an interesting sound. He continues to walk around the pole, listening to the sound his hand makes, and Kairan soon joins him. Alice and Llewyn also want to try but realize that there isn't enough space. They find another pole and quickly coordinate so that they, too, can play this game. Much in the way the children have figured out how to safely play around the ramp in Studio Blue, Will, Kairan, Alice and Llewyn watch each other and coordinate their bodies to enjoy this fun together.
Then Will says, I want to go where I can touch.
Emily knows the perfect place for us to go next - The Lab!
Kairan: It’s like a playroom. Oh, look at this!
I’m gonna make a paper airplane. My perfect airplane that sends a message.
This one matches like my shirt.
Will works with a pencil and paper.
Llewyn looks through the tray of paper and chooses a dark green one.
Alice: It's like a ball!
We settle all together in front of the large window.
Kairan: I don’t see any hawks yet.
Will: We can look all the way down to the sea. I can look far away because we’re way up high.
Will: I can see all the way down very well. Where we went. Right there. That’s where we made ice cream. How come we were playing ice cream? Kairan starts to laugh. We made it out of leaves. No hawk yet! Maybe he’s not there.
Llewyn, you have something hanging.
Alice: Hanging. This is hanging.
Will: I want to look out the window longer. William West was showing us that blue thing.
Kairan: No hawk yet.
Llewyn: Snack.
We head back down the many stairs, all of us now feeling ready for snack. This time, though, we each have one paper tag from the Lab that Emily lets us bring back to Studio Blue. Thank you Emily!