The first thing the children are attracted to is the brochures, and they each take one a look through them. (Ian and Saige hold onto these throughout the visit.)
Travers That’s drippy drippy (Ugly Mess sculpture)
Saige I saw drippy drippy when I drive by it with my mom.
Emily Why do you call it drippy drippy?
Travers Because it’s a statue.

We move to the disassembled iPhone and iPad, which they identify as a phone and an iPad, but have little more to say about. Then they notice someone going through a very tall and large set of doors nearby.

Emily Where do you think the door will lead us?
Travers: Back down to Studio Blue. (we go outside) Whoa! I see Studio Blue! (pointing to parking lot below)

Where should we go next? There: Saige points to the Process Gallery – a place where we can touch things! The hanging “screen” reminds Travers of a bracelet.

We return to the museum and spend a moment here. Travers: Actually, somebody, queen goes in it. But there’s a show there that’s coming from sky.

A hot air balloon!
A mermaid!
Oh my gosh!

A man who brushes his hair. He has a comb and a brush. And he’s always painting himself.
Somebody’s breaking his house. It’s wobbly, it’s crack. He’s got to get out of his shaking house.
Is that a cage to lock somebody in?