A new book in Studio Blue, Jabari Jumps inspired many play scenarios this week. First, using their birds and then using their bodies, some children tried to make sense of the way Jabari was feeling.

This book tells the story of a little boy who is going to jump off the diving board for the first time. Though he is excited and quite determined, when the time comes for him to take this leap, his fear and anxiety bubble up and take over. With some help from his dad, Jabari finds a way to face this fear.
One morning, Stella was crying after saying goodbye to her mom. Josie went and got Stella’s bird for her, as well as her own bird, and brought them back to where we were reading stories. The children have created this ritual of bringing other children his/her bird when they are upset and it is understood to be an offering of care for one another.
Kesler then went and got his bird. He too, carries it back to where we are reading stories. Kesler is letting Josie and Stella know that he is interested in being with them in this way and he wants to continue this connection.
Josie and Kesler had heard Jabari Jumps earlier; Stella arriving to hear the end of it. We are now looking at Snow Rabbit together. As we read, Josie, Kesler and Stella’s birds fly around and begin playing with one another. As the birds notice each other and play together, so too do the children. They are no longer interested in the book.

We’re making soup! For the birdies!
Josie: Now they can eat.
Stella: Wait, they cant eat yet.
Stella: Tweet tweet, swim swim.
Josie: Stella, they also need some of these. Now they can stir it up.
Stella: These are the cherries!
Josie: Strawberries.
Kesler: My birdie needs something to eat.
So, this is all the food?
Josie: No, it’s actually the pool
Kesler: This is my pool for a bird.
Josie: Mine too.
Josie: It’s going to jump off the diving board! A very high diving board.
They both have their birds jump into the pool from high up. Again and again, they hold their birds high up over their heads and then splash them down into the pool.
Josie: Let’s slide down the slide. Ssssshhhh wheeee!
Josie: It’s nighttime so it flies.
Kesler: My bird’s hungry.

After some playtime, Stella asks to read the book so she can hear the whole story. Interestingly, when the birdie play had shifted from bird soup to diving boards and pools for the birds, Stella went off to play elsewhere for a bit. Josie and Kesler had read the whole story of Jabari and were processing it through this play. Chris joins us to hear the book. Before we begin, it is clear that Josie and Kesler are still thinking about Jabari. Kesler stands up tall on top of the ramp in the running area. He holds his bird tightly in his hand and tells us,
I’m not afraid because I’m bigger.
Josie discovers that the balance beam would also be a good place for a diving board.