On a walk on Thursday, Wesley encounters the Sol LeWitt sculpture Tower (DC) and wants to climb on it. Diane explains that it is not for climbing and points out the sign.
Wesley But it has stairs.
It seems like you should climb the stairs – is that what you think?
Wesley Yeah. But if we go all the way to the top we’d just fall down.
Do you think you’d get hurt if you fell down from the top?
Wesley Yeah. It’s very tall. You just have to go around and around and around and around… until you get to the top. And around! That much around.
Do those stairs go all the way around? Where would you start…
Wesley That way, and that way… (they walk around the sculpture) We stop at that stair.
Jamie and Jack arrive, and Wesley explains the rules to them: No climbing on there. No stepping on it, because the sign says it. Julie said it!
Jack looks at the sign It says no touching that.
Wesley It says ‘please don’t climb on it.’
Jack Okay, that’s what it says.
Wesley Please don’t step on it!
Other children gather around the sculpture, interested in what Wesley has to say about the rules for this sculpture. Wesley makes sure that no one touches it with their sticks, either.
Lila What’s this says?
Wesley Please don’t climb.
Henry points to the letters again and again, reading it: Please don’t climb.
Wesley moves on to another sculpture (DeCordova Ball), interested in the sign for this one.
Does this say the same words?
This is a different sign about this sculpture behind you. The artist is Lars Fisk. Please do not touch or climb on this.
Henry Can you read that to me?