There are many different ways we say goodbye in the morning...
I say Bye! (waving his hand) – Kesler
I give a kiss and a hug. -Josie
The next day, Kesler waves behind his back.

I do like that, Bye! -Jack
I blow a kiss. – Johann
I hug. -Henry
Me give hugs too! -Jack
I give a hug. (giving himself a hug) -Chris
I say, Goodbye! -Livia

Elliot does not cry this morning when he says goodbye to his papa. He holds his bird and says, I want papa. Papa be back soon. He sits down at the table with paper and crayons: I want to draw papa. See papa. See I draw papa. I color papa. See I draw papa.
Elliot takes his paper, crayon and bird to a shelf in the block area and continues to draw.
Mark has taught us a new song in Studio Blue, The Goodbye Song. You can listen to it in the music link (or click on the song name above).
On Thursday, he adapted it to include some of the ways the Studio Blue children say goodbye in the morning.
When we started singing this song, Henry shared, I say goodbye to my mom.
In the song, we waved goodbye
-with our hands,
-behind our back,
-by blowing a kiss,
-hugging, and
-waving like a fan.
Stella added this last idea while holding a book and waving it like a fan.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
Bye! I have to go to work! I’ll be back soon . . .
. . . I’m back!
This fun game has developed while out at the playground. The children pretend that they have to go to work or out to the store and they say goodbye and wave. They climb into the car, say goodbye and drive away…
Then, sure enough, they drive back to the playground and excitedly announce, I’m back! I came back!