We find all kinds of things to explore!
Stella and Henry spend a long time at the water table, filling, pouring and enjoying the feel of the cool water. Josie builds a house of blocks and Johann and Kesler watch, and then join in. Wesley and Livia take care of the babies for a very long time, with a great deal of discussion about this. Kesler is interested, and watches them. Holes are a source of fascination, especially the holes in the cabinets that Jamie, Johann, Kesler and Josie explore. Wooden figures are inserted and then found, as well as marimba mallets. We find a hole in a log in the bird area, too. The marimbas and shakers attract a lot of attention, and Josie finds she an put a shaker in a spinny chair and swirl it around. Kesler notices this and tries it too. We see children using different techniques with the playdough, rolling it, forming balls, poking holes, pounding, flattening. When children need comforting, their words are written down, which generates interest in the clipboard that Diane is writing on. Puzzles are worked on.
Outside, Jamie hears the musical fence being played, shortly after Ellie asks to go play music there, so Tuesday’s group journeys to the silver car (Not allowed to be touched! It has special paint), then on to the musical fence and the glass house. Numerous children drive the playground car, and Kesler and Wesley spend a long time working on balancing on the playground structure. Chris and Stella hear hawk sounds and soon spot two hawks flying high above us. Chris suggests that they’re out looking for their mom and dad. Jack and Ellie end their play in the glass house with a plan to eat popsicles together on such a hot day!