Interactions that promote positive relationships have common qualities. They are validating, personal, respectful and accepting.
Saige is working at the drawing table. She looks carefully through the selection of oil pastels and chooses one to draw with. Each stroke of color that she makes on her paper is dramatic and an important part of the story she is telling. After creating many orange lines coming out of the red shape, Saige looks up with a smile. A carrot.

Saige adds more carrots to her drawing, This is the dada one.
This is the dad, this is the mom and this is the baby. And this is a yucky carrot. This one is.
What makes it yucky?
Cause there’s too many carrots. And this is the dot dot that makes it go bad (blue) And this is gonna be all the dots that make it be fine. See? All the blue. See?

Kaya joins us at the table with a flashlight. He shines the light all around, sometimes up on the ceiling, sometimes through the window. Diane leaves the table to help somebody in the bathroom. Here is the interaction that follows:
Saige: That’s teeny.
Kaya: I know. Sometimes I do…
Saige: Put it on here, ok? Put it on my picture.
Kaya can’t turn the light on at first. He looks up at her for a moment and she looks at him, they communicate without a sound.
Saige: Thanks...It was like yucky carrots…in the flashlight.
Kaya: It has light.

Thomas and Travers have built a train with blocks. Kyla comes over and wants to have a spot on the train.
What kind of spot would you like on the train, Kyla?
Kyla: I want my spot to be this big! (see photo above)
Thomas takes one of the blocks that he had been using for his spot and offers it to Kyla.
Thomas: Here. You can have this one.
Kyla sets up her spot on the train but quickly goes over to the table set up with oil pastels and paper. She joins Ruthie who is already at the table drawing a picture.