Explicit Presentation:
We have been trying out a new teaching technique in the classroom this year after going to a workshop at the Wonder of Learning conference last fall. The idea is simple: an activity, from start to finish, is previewed “explicitly” before being offered to the children. For instance, when we did this with watercolors, we set out a tray in the middle of the floor which held the watercolor cakes, a glass of water, a paintbrush, and a piece of paper. We named each thing: “This is a paintbrush, and you use it gently, as if you were brushing it on your skin. These are watercolor cakes – not cakes to eat, but for painting. This is water – not for drinking, but for painting…” – and so forth. Every detail of the process was demonstrated with carefully chosen, economical language. After the demonstration the tray was passed around for each child to try very briefly right there at meeting.
Last week, Diane did an explicit presentation of how to put a diaper on a baby doll. These were new felt diapers with velcro, and are not immediately intuitive for a three-year-old to use. We had small pieces of felt for wiping the baby’s bottom, and of course, a baby doll, dressed with a diaper on. But first, Diane set the stage...
[Waaah waaah!]
I think I hear a baby crying…
We all look around and listen.
Diane goes into the teacher closet and comes out holding a baby doll.The baby doll is crying.
[Waaaah waaaah!]
There was a baby crying in the closet. Maybe the baby is hungry?
Diane offers the baby a bottle.
No… Not hungry.
[Waah Waah!]
Maybe you need a burp?
Diane gently pats the baby on the back.
[Waah Waah!]
Diane holds the baby close and sniffs the baby.
Baby, you’re crying because you have a poopy diaper.
Here baby.
Shh shh. It’s ok, baby.

Is that a real baby?

Wesley: Is that a real baby?
Jamie: I think the baby is feeling better.
Chris: That shirt is only for babies.
Jack: That one was crying in there.
Chris: Change another baby!
I’m going to let each of you change a baby. There are lots of babies that need to have their diapers changed.
Each child gets a set up with a soft blanket, baby doll, clean diaper, wipe.