Baby dolls are an important part of Studio Blue. In the beginning of the year, they can be used as security objects, like a blanket or lovey. We observe children carrying a favorite doll around the room with them, clutching tightly as they figure out how they belong in their new environment. As the children become comfortable in this space, and with each other, our baby dolls provide endless opportunities for imagination, role play, connection, comfort and practice in caring for others.

Playing with these dolls can also help us to process the many feelings associated with a recent or upcoming birth of a new sibling.

With the recent emergence of spring, we have noticed a budding sense of confidence and pride coming from the children. They are noticing their “bigness” and are increasingly offering their help to each other throughout the day. We thought they might enjoy a new activity with our baby dolls. This week, we set up a baby washing activity.
Once our babies were clean, we rinsed the soap off, dried them with towels and then wrapped them up in soft blankets. Some of our babies needed to go back into the tub for more bathing and/or shampooing.
These clean and happy babies were then lovingly tucked in to bed for a nap or brought along with the children to enjoy an activity.