Here's what families have shared so far! We'll either keep adding as more comes in, or create a new post, depending on how full it gets.
Right after Llewyn got the supplies for Spaces For Hope from Diane, he enjoyed playing with them

Llewyn was chanting “Abra Kadabra!"

On nature walks, Llewyn's family keeps observing the ant’s nest. This time, the number of the holes definitely increased! This photo is from May 21st.

And this photo is from June 1st.

At the nature art museum, they found new pieces of work!

Llewyn found this rock and said “Heart!”
Here are Llewyn's latest adventures!
We met a bunny,
...and a snake!
Llewyn's family found these messages on the rocks.
They had a big discovery!!
Here is Llewyn's favorite
Eythan decided to make one. This is Eythan’s piece of work.
Llewyn was very focused using scissors this week. He cut origami papers into a small pieces and put them in plastic bags.
He brought them to his bed at night and slept with them!
Llewyn enjoyed playing with water
In observing an ant’s nest every day, Llewyn and his family think some of the holes changed its size or shape.

Ant nest, May 18th

Ant nest, May 21st
(Photo on left) Llewyn calls this toy “computer" and did his “assignment” with Eythan.
(Photo on right) Llewyn enjoyed a big lollipop!

Eythan taught Llewyn

how to climb a rock.

Alice has been playing in her yard and developing routines at home as well as near her house.

She loves to play on the rings on her play set which she calls, "Alice's playground”... in her sandbox...

and swing on "Alice's rainbow hammock.”

She has become a puzzle fiend!

She often reads quietly in her room in the morning.

One of her favorite things to do is go visit the horses near her house. They recognize her and come and say hi!
Llewyn had even more excitement while on nature walks!

Llewyn made a trap using a piece of bark and sticks!
What might he be trapping?

After Llewyn saw our egg invitation, he made a bird’s nest with a hole and leaves.

Llewyn found a tiny house (left)
Llewyn made a big pile of dirt and leaves with Eythan. (right)

Here it is. Did you know that some birds really do make holes in the ground for nests?
On Tuesday, during a nature walk, Llewyn's family saw two raccoons fighting for a nest in a tree. Two baby raccoons fell out of the nest. Llewyn's family took one hurt raccoon baby to the vet.

Cassie did some
yoga with Mark . . .
house . . .
and moon!

Llewyn continues to be inspired by nature walks.

He saw this and said “Lady bug!” His mom thinks it might be a spider that looks like a lady bug. What do you think?

Llewyn checked the stump if there were anything on it and he found this!

Llewyn made a paper butterfly.

They met a blue jay!

Llewyn's family found an ant's nest and saw many ants bringing food into their nest. Llewyn was fascinated! He stops here every time they pass by to observe the ants.

A long stick for “fishing!”
Cassie and her sister Sylvie made clouds of all kinds . . .

Cassie starts working...

Ta da!! All finished.

And here is Sylvie's work.

Cassie's favorite animal is the cheetah!
And she and Sylvie have been growing scallions – which will grow the fastest or tallest, they wonder?

Llewyn's family went to the Arlington reservoir and saw SWANS!

On their nature walk, they were greeted by so many bugs.
Shaving cream on blue paper made for perfect clouds.

And they found nice messages on the chalk board at the entrance of the mountain.

William has been dressing up. Here are a couple fun costumes (lion hair!!)

Digging in the yard and playing in the April snow...

In the kitchen, washing dishes...

and making cookies with his Grammy via Zoom.

Dancing with Mark, painting a cloud.

Jemima has enjoyed tricycling (in the snow?!), painting, and lots of playing outside. What a beautiful beech tree at Lindentree Farm!
Kairan got a HAWK kite for his birthday. A blustery day calls for three kites!

Dax has been busy!!!
Exploring different kitchen tools with homemade Play-Doh...

Playing in the snow

Sidewalk chalk,
some really great time with Daddy!

Brush painting with Tempura + finger painting with ketchup, mustard, strawberry jam, chocolate syrup and sour cream

Self-taught climbing on the counter and on Dad’s car. Upon reaching the top, exclaiming, “I LOVE this, Mom! I can see EVERYTHING!"

Driving very fast in the firetruck with Daddy! Neil was driving, Dax was the siren (left)
Ginger Black-Ear Pepper Kitty rescuing all the trucks that fell into the ocean (right)

Playing in their local creek down the street

Light housekeeping (left)

Looking for the ever-elusive Goldbug
Finding a real bug! The fuzziest black and brown caterpillar

Llewyn and his brother Eythan made a thank you sign.
Llewyn made a hungry caterpillar.

Llewyn found a piece of bark and said “Beautiful!”

Llewyn visits this stump to see if anything will appear on it, On Tuesday, there was still nothing on the stump, so Llewyn put a rock on it. The rock was still there on Thursday!
Llewyn and Eythan have been interested in planting acorns to see if they will grow, or if an animal will dig them up and eat them before they can grow. Here, they found an acorn that was sprouting and pink!

Llewyn and Eythan 's rest area –
they can see Boston!
Ferdinand plays this no-screen coding puzzle called Cubetto.
Ferdinand sings along with Mark,
"On Top of Spaghetti!"

Above, "I'm making a colorful rainbow and then going to add some details."
Below, on the video call with Studio Blue - “so happy to see my friends” and “it was too short, only lasted a few seconds.”
Cassie and her sister Sylvie tied their swings together with a string so that Cassie wouldn’t need to be pushed. When this didn’t work so well, Cassie learned pretty quickly how to pump!


Hiking! (Cassie likes to dress herself) What you miss in the video is the spill Cassie took at the very end!




This seems to be all different colors!

He always stops here to check if there are something on the stump. Sometimes, there are rocks or leaves, but nothing this time.

He caught a leaf using a stick.

They found a tree with so many holes – Llewyn was checking inside a hole.

And Llewyn made Aiken Drum, and a tree drawing in response to Mark's video!

On right: “Me saying ROAR!!!”
Below: “I snuggle him every day.”

William and Cassie shared their tree drawings in response to the Daily Invitation:
Willam's tree has apples on one side and leaves on the other. He also added roots. There is a beehive with bees and two holes. Top one has a squirrel and bottom one has a raccoon. William was very proud that his holes were made by “not making holes” but instead coloring around the holes!!

Cassie says the brown lines “are my branches for my nest and my blue jay.” I have a “shooting star in the sky.” And “it’s an apple tree - red and green apples.”

Sylvie, Cassie’s sister, also took on the challenge! There are babies in her nest and a dad bird bringing a worm. A chipmunk and owl on the trunk. (Her new signature is above the tree “like a real artist.”)
Here is the latest on Will's activity over the past few weeks! Telling jokes...
"What do you call a bear with no teeth?"
"A gummy bear!"

...Making up songs such as “my building's on fire,” “crab dip,” and “I’m going to outer space as soon as possible.”

Spending time outside.

Helping build a walkway.

Will and his next door neighbors made these wonderful signs to post on Will's fence. Will and Siena’s is the heart and handprints one.

Olivia explains: We are one of the major routes to Emerson Hospital so it's resulted in a lot of waves and honks from ambulances and firetrucks!
Cooking with Daddy, baking with Mama, and “reading” to Siena. (Siena humors him but is starting to feel like important plot points might be missing from The Lorax 😉) Will does an activity of his choice “while Daddy cooks” – on this day they paid tribute to the great Bill Withers and Will explored pointillism (aka “dot, dot, dot, dot”.)

Will is serious about painting rocks, too!
And Will has been doing loads of building.