On Wednesday, we headed out to see the new sculpture being installed. As always, the “places in between” were also an attraction, so once we took in the installation process, we explored further.
Wesley noticed a reel which wound up the caution rope around the installation...
A large tree called out to be climbed... There was random joyful running...
And the recently installed sculpture (“Double Grave”) that we had previously explored was rediscovered. Noticing a new “no climbing” sign, we took joy in running through and around it, much akin to our circling the balance beam inside the classroom this winter. Jack took on the role of the stop and go person, slowing folks down and letting them pass. Members of Studio Red were also here to witness the installation, but they found spaces in between, too, as when Helen found a caterpillar. Studio Blue children immediately crowded around to investigate!
On the way back to the classroom, we stopped again by the big crate wrapped in cellophane where Sarah (Montross, one of the curators) had just been talking with Studio Red about the food inside it. Wait, did she say food? We looked closer and discovered bananas, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and more!

Johann has recently been fond of bananas, bringing them up in every context imaginable, and our meeting was the perfect time to bring out the book “BANANA!” by Ed Vere, which has only two words: Banana and Please. One monkey has a banana that the other monkey wants. You’ll have to ask your child about the plot twist at the end…

On Thursday, the sculpture was erected! We headed out, then waited before crossing the road while Diane checked in with Emily Silet: could we touch it? The answer was no, and the children were respectful of the rule. After checking it out (and noticing the food dangling up high) we headed to other locations. We revisited “Double Grave,” this time Johann taking on the role of the “stop and go” person.